Anna Bredberg

UniversityUniversity of Gothenburg
DivisionOccupational and environmental medicine
PhD student
Keywordsexhaled particles, welding aerosols, exposure assessments, respiratory tract lining fluid,

Networks/thematic areasGothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC)

Reasearch / work
I chemically analyze exhaled endogenous particles. The particles are formed from the respiratory tract lining fluid which covers the airways from the nose to the alveoli. The composition of the lining fluid has been shown to change in patients with respiratory disease and after exposure. We aim to evaluate the utility of the particles in exposure assessments. One advantage with the particle collection method is that it is completely non-invasive, which enables repeated measurements to follow a gradient change in chemical composition. We have so far conducted one experimental exposure study, where we analyzed manganese and iron in the particles collected before and after exposure to welding aerosols (containing these metals).