Gró Einarsdóttir

UniversityUniversity of Gothenburg
DivisionEnvironmental psychology unit
PhD student
Keywordspsykologi, beteende, motivation, sido-vinster, klimatförändringar, motstånd, framtidsvisioner, upplevd likhet mellan arter, psychology, behavior, motivation, co-benefits, climate change, resistance, future visions, social dominance orientation, perceived similarities between species

Website University of Gothenburg, in Swedish
Website University of Gothenburg, in English
Networks/thematic areas

Reasearch / work
My research is about how to motivate people to take action to mitigate climate change. How can you motivate those who do not want to change? There we have looked into how co-benefits of climate change mitigation can increase motivation to act, even for those who do not care much about the environment. We have further looked at visions about the future society, how much one considers the future, how similar or different one perceived that humans and non-human species and whether or not people prefer hierarchical or flat groupings of people, and how these relate to motivation to act to prevent climate change.