Ingvar Albinsson

UniversityUniversity of Gothenburg
DepartmentPhysics (GU)
KeywordsBränsleceller, Batterier, Fasta elektrolyter, Fasta jonledare, Protonledning, Oxider, Polymerer, Kompositer, Keramer, Dielektrisk analys, Impedansanalys, Termisk analys., Fuel cells, Batteries, Solid electrolytes, Solid ion conductors, Proton conduction, Oxides, Polymers, Composites, Ceramics, Dielectric analysis, Impedance analysis, Thermal analysis.

Networks/thematic areas

Reasearch / work
Our main interest is fuel cells for intermediate temperatures since it is possible to combine the advantages of low and high temperature fuel cells, while avoiding most of the drawbacks. We use proton conducting solid electrolytes and non-precious electrodes. This type of fuel cell is clean, quiet and cheap. If the fuel is hydrogen the only exhaust is water.