Simon Isaksson

UniversityChalmers University of Technology
DepartmentChemistry and Chemical Engineering
DivisionApplied surface chemistry
PhD student
KeywordsVatten, Vattenrening, Avloppsrening, Filter, Nano, Avsaltning, Biomimetik, Lipid, Aquaporin, Kiseldioxid, Water, Purification, Treatment, Filter, Nano, Desalination, Biomimicry, Lipid, Aquaporin, Silica

Website Chalmers University of Technology, in Swedish
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in English
Networks/thematic areas

Reasearch / work
The aim of the project is to develop a water treatment device that mimics the cell membrane in order to achieve an energy efficient and highly water selective treatment process. This is done by reconstituting transmembrane water-channeling proteins called aquaporins into lipid bilayers deposited on a mesoporous support material. By taking advantage of the inherent impermeability of the cell membrane, the biomimetic water treatment membrane will be able to remove even small molecules like pharmaceutical waste and hormone-like substances from the water to be treated.