Cornelia Spetea Wiklund

UniversityUniversity of Gothenburg
DepartmentBiological and environmental science
DivisionVäxt cell och molekylärbiologi
Keywordsphotosynthesis, fotosyntes microalgae, mikroalger biotechnology, bioteknologi biomass, biomassa biofuel, biobränsle wastewater treatment with mikroalgae, vatten rening med mikroalger

Website University of Gothenburg, in Swedish
Website University of Gothenburg, in English
Networks/thematic areas
SDG:s6. Clean water and sanitation, 7. Affordable and clean energy, 9. Industry, innovation and infrastruture, 12. Responsible consumption and production

Reasearch / work
The ongoing research in our group is dedicated to understand how photosynthesis is regulated by ion fluxes in plants and algae. In the recent years we have initiated additional projects to use our photosynthesis expertise for production of renewable biomass using microalgae.