Madelene Ostwald

UniversityChalmers University of Technology
DepartmentTechnology management and economics
DivisionEnvironmental systems analysis
Keywordsmarkanvändning, vegetationsförändringar, satellitbilder, GIS, policypåverkan, Land use, agriculture and forestry, impact of climate change and policy, developing world, local and regional assessments, translating science into policy and practice

Website Chalmers University of Technology, in Swedish
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in English
Networks/thematic areas
SDG:s2. Zero hunger, 13. Climate action, 15. Life on land, 17. Partnerships for the goals
RegionsEurope and Central Asia, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
CountryNorge, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indien, Burkina Faso, Kenya, USA

Reasearch / work
For the last 25 years I have been working with environmental oriented research, education and science-based outreach focusing on sustainable land use and forestry often in combination of climate change, policy and sustainability. With a PhD (and docent) in Physical Geography from the University of Gothenburg and work experiences from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Linköping University and Chalmers University of Technology, I have published more than 50 scientific papers, books, book chapters, reports and policy briefs. Parallel to my academic work, I have had an active role in the development and engagement in networks and programmes bridging science to other spheres of society related to forest, bioenergy, land use and livelihoods (Focali) and agriculture and food security (AgriFoSe2030 with an ambition to utilize knowledge and make sustainable impact. I have long experience of initiate, plan and lead projects, supervise research and in finding windows of opportunity for stakeholder interaction.